The fate of man


The fate of man

Postautor: Janniettjub » 12 lip 2022, 10:34

Recommendations from old people to young people are not only a waste of time, but also insolence .
Each generation considers itself entirely different from the previous one, but in the end is almost the same.
If I look at my own life, I see that I have often been wrong.
It will be the same with you at my age. Live and make mistakes. This is the meaning of existence.
Do not delude yourself that you are capable of being perfect - this is not real.
Temper yourself, your qualities, so that when the test comes, you will find the strength in yourself to meet him as a true man.
Do not let yourself be deceived by pathos truths and noisy phrases.
Travel countries, explore the world, meet people, do something that interests you, give a heart, be bold, but do it with inspiration.
The most valuable thing is to live your life brightly.
Maybe we have more than one life ahead of us. But to get them, you need to use this life to the fullest. Take as much from life as you can.
Fear boring fate.

Ostatnio przesunięty w górę 12 lip 2022, 10:34 przez: Anonymous.

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